Nestle Russia, food producer
Nestle-Russia uses EDI technologies for quite a long time — all the reports to Federal Tax Service are transferred in e-form. From Nestle-Russia point of view paper is a throwback in many business processes: paper documents may be lost, shall be stored within 5-year period, information contained in paper documents is input to accounting systems only manually. Nestle-Russia spends around $100 000 only to deliver paper invoices to its contractors.
“Taking into account said above, as well as size of our country, distance to some partners, and the requirement to submit invoice within 5 days after transaction, e-invoices are the real solution for businesses, — says Andrey Busygin, head of business optimization direction in Nestle-Russia. – To calculate profit gained from e-document flow is of no use, it’s clear that e-document flow is more efficient and profitable than paper one. We call it best practice without additional substantiation”.
Drive of Nestle-Russia to be as ready as possible to the moment when FNS approves e-invoice format initiated cooperation with SKB Kontur and Diadoc implementation.
“We have developed joint project, where SKB Kontur plays the role of e-invoice e-signature provider, — reports Andrey Busygin. – METRO Cash&Carry was chosen as a contractor. METRO takes an active part in all the discussions and projects related to e-invoices, mainly due to important economy not only on paper, but on its storage”.
Secured and reliable connection was established between Nestle-Russia and SKB Kontur servers. Based on e-messages submitted in format convenient for Nestle-Russia, SKB Kontur:
- Generated e-invoices;
- Automatically signed them by digital e-signature;
- Delivered e-invoices to the contractor — METRO Cash & Carry retail chain.
During project implementation we have perfected e-invoice interchange process in accordance with the requirements stated by Minfin procedure.
“Public agencies state strict requirements to e-document. In order to ensure equivalence of e-documents to paper ones you shall take into account many nuances, — notes Andrey Busygin. – SKB Kontur makes it instead of us. The company with huge experience in e-reporting to tax authority, for instance. We are not programmers, and we can’t track on-time all news and changes in e-documents, as well as legal requirements. But SKB Kontur can. For us switch over to e-invoices is a process with high priority, and we are going to do our best to give our contractors the possibility to switch to e-documents together with us. This is a fruitful economy and efficient business-process. I’m sure, both, our contractors and we, and final customers as well, will gain thereon”.
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