Price — Kontur.Hotel
Smart web-services for business


Number of rooms PMS (6 months) PMS (12 months) Channel manager Online booking Complex (1 year)
30 or less 680 850 730 610 2190
From 31 to 100 780 970 730 610 2310
From 101 to 200 870 1090 850 730 2670
From 201 to 350 870 1090 850 730 2670
From 351 to 500 870 1090 850 730 2670
501 and more 870 1090 850 730 2670

Prices are in Belarusian ruble

Number of rooms PMS (6 months) PMS (12 months) Channel manager Online booking Complex (1 year)
30 or less 190 240 200 170 610
From 31 to 100 220 280 200 170 650
From 101 to 200 240 310 240 200 750
From 201 to 350 240 310 240 200 750
From 351 to 500 240 310 240 200 750
501 and more 240 310 240 200 750

Prices are in Euro

Number of rooms PMS (6 months) PMS (12 months) Channel manager Online booking Complex (1 year)
30 or less 200 250 210 180 640
From 31 to 100 230 290 210 180 680
From 101 to 200 260 320 250 210 780
From 201 to 350 260 320 250 210 780
From 351 to 500 260 320 250 210 780
501 and more 260 320 250 210 780

Prices are in United States dollars

Number of rooms PMS (6 months) PMS (12 months) Channel manager Online booking Complex (1 year)
30 or less 3400 4200 3600 3000 10800
From 31 to 100 3900 4800 3600 3000 11400
From 101 to 200 4400 5500 4200 3600 13300
From 201 to 350 4400 5500 4200 3600 13300
From 351 to 500 4400 5500 4200 3600 13300
501 and more 4400 5500 4200 3600 13300

Prices are in Turkish lira

Number of rooms PMS (6 months) PMS (12 months) Channel manager Online booking Complex (1 year)
30 or less 22400 28000 24000 20000 72000
From 31 to 100 25600 32000 24000 20000 76000
From 101 to 200 28800 36000 28000 24000 88000
From 201 to 350 28800 36000 28000 24000 88000
From 351 to 500 28800 36000 28000 24000 88000
501 and more 28800 36000 28000 24000 88000

Prices are in Serbian dinar

Number of rooms PMS (6 months) PMS (12 months) Channel manager Online booking Complex (1 year)
30 or less 93000 117000 100000 83000 300000
From 31 to 100 107000 133000 100000 83000 316000
From 101 to 200 120000 150000 117000 100000 367000
From 201 to 350 120000 150000 117000 100000 367000
From 351 to 500 120000 150000 117000 100000 367000
501 and more 120000 150000 117000 100000 367000

Prices are in Kazakhstan tenge

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